A new storm is rolling into Lake Havasu, AZ! The weekend of Oct. 12-14, 2017, heralds the christening of Monster Storm at the Nautical Beachfront Resort.

Known previously a Monster Bash, this is one of the annual events in the Storm family. You will notice small but detailed changes that the Storm team is implementing to upgrade the event. Storm Poker Runs is also teaming up with River Dave’s Place (RDP), which is hosting its 10th Anniversary RDP Regatta during the same weekend. The entities will collaborate and combine resources to offer participants an opportunity to play in both events for all-around epic weekend. More details will be announced on both Storm Poker Runs website and River Dave’s Place.

To register for Monster Storm, go to StormPokerRun.com and click the Monster Storm tab to download the registration forms.

The Nichols family has been in the poker-run business for more than a decade. Jimmy and Christina noticed a change needed to be made without reinventing the wheel. They say they have some amazing plans for both Monster Storm and Desert Storm.

“Our father created an epic event that people from around the nation recognize and want to be a part of,” Jimmy explains. “Our plan is to carry on his legacy, update the atmosphere, and bring back the participant/sponsor centered vibe. We want to support our sponsors, the marine industry and our boating family.”